This planet hosts over eight billion people, and several developed nations now confront a multifaceted challenge. These countries are experiencing a decline in birth rates coupled with a significant increase in lifespan.
The most daunting challenge of the older population for the society, government, and all individuals is: declining mental health. In the U.S., approximately 20% of adults aged 55 and over experience some form of mental health issue: depression, anxiety, and dementia and decline in cognitive function. The good news is: Instead of dreading the day that we are too confused to even understand that we are losing our marbles, there are many things we can do, starting this very moment to help our mind stay sharp as we age.
Before we get to the exciting to-do list, here is a terminology you should know, and hopefully still remember when you are celebrating your 100 year birthday: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Now you have mastered this mouthful, let’s just go with BDNF from here on.
BDNF, a protein in your brain could be the answer to keeping you mentally switched on for life: BDNF‘s main functions include: helps produce new brain cells and strengthen existing ones, and it protects against neurodegenerative diseases.
More BDNF = Better Brain Function
Want more BDNF?
Unfortunately, as you get older, our levels of BDNF naturally start to fall as age. However, with a few easy to implement and mostly enjoyable daily habits, you can release more BDNF all the time, keeping your brain resilient and priming it to grow stronger as we grow older.
Here are the top 8 ways to raise your BDNF levels, proven scientifically:
- Exercise: the most effective way of boosting your BDNF immediately and for the long term. The most BDNF friendly exercise: dancing!
- Socialize: especially if you can multitask socializing while exercising such as, once again, dancing!
- Sunlight: sun exposure increases BDNF. provided you don’t get sunburnt.
- Reduce stress: All three things above can lead to reduced stress, and many others, such as massage, reading, yoga, and meditation.
- Eat Omega-3: my mother has always reminded me that what she considers my intellectual advantage is due to her prenatal diet rich in fish. She is pleased to be informed that, it is now proven that one of the mechanisms is that Omega 3 fatty acids, rich in fish, boost BDNF levels. My favorite Omega-3 food is however not seafood, but those organic omega-3 eggs laid by the lucky chicks who have been fed flaxseeds for their entire lives.
- Less sugar: For those who love sweets, someone has to tell you: eating sugar, fructose in particular, directly curbs BDNF production and leads to cognitive decline. If your goal is to be able to enjoy many more birthday cakes to come, just simply save yourselves for those important moments.
- Eat more spice: when we say, spice up your life, we mean it in so many ways. The fact is, spices such as turmeric / curcumin, garlic, onion, and black pepper, in addition to instantly providing your brain with all the wonderful happy hormones and neurochemicals during the time of consumption, these species are all proven to have the desired side effects of boosting BDNF for the long term. The addiction to spices is the one you want to keep feeding more species with!
- Drink coffee: Did you know that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants for Americans?! Polyphenols, the antioxidants in coffee stimulate the production of BDNF and protect your brain from stress.
How many of these 8 things are you doing everyday? Hopefully all of them! We can surely live a very fulfilled life in the moment and everyday while preparing ourselves for the golden age of freedom and enjoyment.